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01224 707877

Aberdeen Osteopathy Clinic

Feel The Difference From Your First Visit!


Aberdeen Osteopathy Clinic has now fully re-opened

We are delighted to announce that the clinic has now fully re-opened and all therapists are available.

We are still strictly adhering to government and regulatory guidelines to maintain the highest levels of hygiene and cleanliness as safety for our clients and members of staff is paramount.

We will now triage all appointment bookings to ensure you are safe to attend the clinic for treatment. This initially will be done by email or SMS text message.

Booking Your Appointment

Until further notice we kindly ask that you adopt the following procedure to book your appointment.

Please email your name, date of birth and mobile number to [email protected] OR text your name and date of birth to 07784990108 if you would like to book an appointment. (Please note this number does not accept calls and is used solely for text triaging and appointment reminder texts). You will then receive a reply with a few questions to answer. These questions will be to maintain the highest levels of hygiene within the clinic and to protect the public and our staff by keeping any symptomatic clients away from the clinic for the time being. Once we receive your reply meeting these requirements we will contact you to arrange your appointment

Hygiene and Safety Measures

If possible, please try to come to the clinic alone, instead of bringing any family members with you. Please also be mindful not to bring unnecessary items into the clinic – e.g. bags, coats, jewellery, watches etc.

Between each appointment the treatment rooms will be ventilated and all contact surfaces will be disinfected. Fresh disposable covers will be used on the treatment couches for each appointment.

To reduce unnecessary contact with other members of the public or the clinics surfaces we would kindly ask each client to arrive at the precise time of your appointment and not early. Our staff will be wearing face masks and to further protect you we suggest you may also wish to bring your own mask to wear within the clinic.

We would kindly request that upon entry to the clinic you use the sanitizer in the vestibule area before entering the reception area.

To avoid contamination within the clinic we will, for the time being, be avoiding using the waiting area and will ask you to come straight into the treatment room on arrival.

We hope these measures we are taking help to reassure you and demonstrate our commitment to providing the best service we can in these difficult times. We look forward to welcoming you back to Aberdeen Osteopathy & Massage Clinic!


24 Ellon Road

Bridge of Don


AB23 8BX

The clinic is on the ground floor and free parking is right next to it.

Phone & Email

01224 707877

Opening Times

Monday to Friday 09:00 – 19:00

Saturday 09:00 – 15:00

Sunday Closed

To book an appointment please call reception on 01224 707877 during office hours (9am – 7pm) or complete the form above.

Copyright Aberdeen Osteopathy and Massage Clinic 2020. Company registerd in Scotland SC381838  All rights reserved.  Website by

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