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01224 707877


Hot stones massage at Aberdeen Osteopathy and Massage Clinic

Hot Stone Massage is a speciality massage where the therapist uses smooth heated stones as an extension of their own hands or by placing them on the body. The stones are smooth and flat and usually made from the volcanic rock basalt. This is chosen for their heat retaining quality.

How can hot stone massage benefit me?

In addition to deep relaxation, there are many benefits to having a hot stone massage, including

Pain relief

Several studies, including on fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis have linked moderate massage techniques with lessening pain and improving range of motion

Stress Relief

Massage is an effective method for dealing with stress. Studies have shown that massage reduces stress and anxiety and improves cardiovascular health

Decreased muscle spasm and tension

Heat is a well recognised natural pain reliever. When heat is applied to an area, the blood flow to that region increases and can help alleviate spasms and improve mobility.

Better sleep

The hot stones deeply enhance the relaxation response and balance energy flow which can improve overall sleep quality. Furthermore, a hot stone massage can increase melatonin production in the body

Immune boosting

Many of the techniques used in Swedish massage are also used to hot stone massage and has bee shown to positively impact your immune system, even after just one session.

Hot Stone massage is not recommended for those who are pregnant, have high blood pressure or are diabetic.


24 Ellon Road

Bridge of Don


AB23 8BX

The clinic is on the ground floor and free parking is right next to it.

Phone & Email

01224 707877

Opening Times

Monday to Friday 09:00 – 19:00

Saturday 09:00 – 15:00

Sunday Closed

To book an appointment please call reception on 01224 707877 during office hours (9am – 7pm) or complete the form above.

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