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How Often Should I Have A Massage Therapy Session?

remedial massage

How Often Should I Have A Massage Therapy Session?

The frequency of massage therapy sessions can vary depending on various factors, including your individual needs, goals, and budget. Here are some general guidelines to consider:

Relaxation and Stress Relief: If your primary goal is relaxation and stress relief, you can benefit from getting a massage once every 2-4 weeks. This frequency allows you to maintain a state of relaxation and manage stress levels effectively.

Chronic Pain or Injury: If you’re seeking massage therapy to address chronic pain or recover from an injury, a more frequent schedule may be beneficial. In such cases, it’s common to have weekly or bi-weekly sessions initially to address the issue, followed by a decrease in frequency as you experience improvement.

Sports massage and rehabilitation knee injury

remedial massage

Massage therapy for athletesAthletic Performance and Training: Athletes and individuals engaged in intense physical training may benefit from regular massage therapy to aid in muscle recovery, injury prevention, and performance enhancement. Depending on the intensity of your training, you might consider scheduling massages once or twice a week or every few weeks.

Specific Conditions or Rehabilitation: If you’re receiving massage therapy for a specific health condition or as part of a rehabilitation program, the frequency and duration of sessions will depend on the condition, treatment plan, and recommendations from your healthcare provider or therapist.


24 Ellon Road

Bridge of Don


AB23 8BX

The clinic is on the ground floor and free parking is right next to it.

Phone & Email

01224 707877

Opening Times

Monday to Friday 09:30 – 20:00

Saturday 09:00 – 16:00

Sunday Closed

To book an appointment please call reception on 01224 707877 during office hours (9am – 7pm) or complete the form above.

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